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Corporate video

Imagine you are about to present to a potential customer; the boardroom has been readied and it's your big moment. What better ice breaker than a short introduction video?! Instant brand recognition and, when done right, provides direct links to what you are presenting - 'As shown in the video, we are the first company in Australia to...'

Promoting your business to customers online requires attention-grabbing content, and nothing shows off your business like a well crafted video.

In terms of social media, videos are often higher up the rank than written content, and statistics show they are more likely to be shared for even further reach.

How-to and process guides

Quality = Repeatable + Consistent.

Sounds easy, right? But how do you get repeatability and consistency in your processes? With 'How-to' videos.

Superior to a written procedure manuals in many ways, videos are more engaging and less likely to be skipped through, laying the base for quality processes and creating better outcomes for your customers.

Book trailers

Promoting your book has long been a source of angst for authors, especially for the first book. How do you cut through the noise to get to your audience? Create a book trailer.

Videos are often higher up the rank on social media and are more likely to be watched than is the synopsis for a book read. Whether creating intrigue for your novel or laying out the basis for your reference text, a book trailer can help you attract a greater audience and is more likely to be shared on social media for even further reach.

TV shows

Got an idea for a TV show? We can help make it a reality...

The internet has opened up a raft of new outlets, enabling people to make what would have previously been only an idea into a finished product. Hosting sites such as YouTube and Vimeo are allowing the public to create and release.

With experience and a small, dedicated team, Look Up Media can help get you on the way to producing your own show quicker than you think.

Contact us now and let's get the conversation started.


Sometimes the best promotional exposures is an interview.

Don't beat around the bush. If what you really want is to convey your personal message to an audience then a scripted, or unscripted interview gets you out there, so people can feel a connection with you that they may not otherwise feel.

Not only do Look Up Media offer the service to produce such an interview, we can coach you on camera techniques, write leading questions, and help you get your message across to your people.
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